Wednesday, November 24, 2010

artistic license

'' the unfinished pictures on easels or propped against the walls were as ghastly as the finished ones upstairs ... there was something very disturbing about the nauseous sketches and half-finished monstrosities that leered around from every side of the room, and when pickman suddenly unveiled a huge canvas on the side away from the light i could not for my life keep back a loud scream ...

'' it was a collossal and nameless blasphemy with glaring red eyes, and it held in its bony claws a thing that had been a man, ... and as one looked one felt that at any moment it might drop its present prey and seek a juicier morsel ... as i am a living being i never elswhere saw the actual breath of life so fused into canvas. the monster was there-it glared and gnawed and gnawed and glared-and i knew that only a suspension of natures laws could ever let a man paint a thing like that without a model ...''

h.p.lovecraft, pickman's model.

i: toronto tunnel-ghoul.

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