Sunday, December 19, 2010

body of mythos

'' trembling in waves that golden whisps of nebula made weirdly visable, there rose a timid hint of far-off melody, droning in faint chords that our own universe of stars knows not ... it was a song, but not the song of any voice. night and the spheres sang it, and it was old when space and nyarlathotep and the other gods were born. '' h.p.lovecraft, dream quest of unknown kadath.

'' original title al azif--azif being the word used by arabs to designate that nocturnal sound (made by insects) suppos'd to be the howling of daemons. '' h.p.lovecraft, history of the necronomicon.

'' the good mussulmans fancied that they heard the sullen hum of those nocturnal insects which presage evil, and importuned vathek to beware how he ventured his sacred person. '' william beckford, vathek.

'' both the veda and maitriya upansad of the ancient hindus, who were indo europeans, tell of how the universe was created by sabda brahman, the "eternal sound" that created everything--and still inheres in everything--but is itself uncreated: "begotten, not made," '' j.nigro sansonese, the body of myth.

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