Thursday, November 10, 2011


''naturally we cannot expect all weird tales to conform absolutely to any theoretical model. creative minds are uneven and the best of fabrics have their dull spots... moreover, much of the choicest weird work is unconcious; appearing in memorable fragments scattered through material whose massed effect may be of a very different cast... therefore we must judge a weird tale... by the emotional level which it attains at its least mundane point... if the proper sensations are excited, such a "high spot" must be admited on its own merits as weird literature,''

h.p.lovecraft, super natural horror in literature.

''chaos--the absence of form and order--above all other words chaos haunts western man. it fills his mind with visions of seas running into rivers, men giving birth to frogs, fish flying through grassy cloud, it is the unnamed heart of every horror story--the unexpected, the unpredictable, the uncontrollable, the lawless--chaos.''

adrian savage, introduction to chaos magic.

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