Wednesday, April 25, 2012

mystery attracts mystery

''then we saw the vast pyramids at the end of the avenue, ghoulish with a dim atavistical menace which i had not seemed to notice in the daytime. even the smallest of them held a hint of the ghastly--for was it not in this that they had buried queen nitocris alive in the sixth dynasty; subtle queen nitocris, who once invited all her enemies to a feast in a temple below the nile, and drowned them by opening the water-gates? i recalled that the arabs whisper things about nitocris, and shun the third pyramid at certain phases of the moon. it must have been over her that thomas moore was brooding when he wrote a thing muttered about by memphian boatmen: the subterranean nymph that dwells 'mid sunless gems and glories hid--the lady of the pyramid!''

 h.p.lovecraft and erich weiss, imprisoned with the pharaohs.

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