Sunday, April 15, 2012

nameless mesostic

''now and then the less organized ululation would cease, and from what seemed a well-drilled chorus of hoarse voices would rise in sing-song chant that hideous phrase or ritual: "ph'nglui mqlw'nafh cthulhu r'lyeh wgah'nagl phtagn."

''no one could read the old writing now. but things were told by word of mouth. the chanted ritual was not the secret--that was never spoken aloud, only whispered. the chant meant only this: " in his house at r'lyeh dead cthulhu waits dreaming." ''

h.p.lovecraft, the call of cthulhu.
mesostic at wikinomicon.

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 the dreaded mesostomaticon of euph0r1a.

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