Tuesday, October 5, 2010

dear baffling diary

''an almost interminable manuscript in strange characters, written in a huge ledger and adjudged a sort of diary because of the spacing and the variations in ink and penmanship, presented a baffling puzzle to those who found it on the old bureau which served as its owner's desk.

''after a week of debate it was sent to miskatonic university, together with the deceased's collection of strange books, for study and possible translation; but even the best linguists soon saw that it was not likely to be unriddled with ease ...

''the curious manuscript record or diary of wilbur whatley, delivered to miskatonic university for translation, had caused much worry and bafflement among the experts on languages both ancient and modern, being absolutely unknown to any available authority. the final conclusion of the linguists was that the text represented an artificial alphabet, though none of the usual methods of cryptographic solution seemed to furnish any clue ...

''the old ledger was at length given wholly in to the charge of dr.armitage, both beacause of his peculiar interest in the whatley matter, and because of his wide linguistic learning and skill in the mystical formulae of antiquity and the middle ages.'' h.p.lovecraft, the dunwich horror.

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