Tuesday, October 12, 2010

deoxyriboshoggothic acid

'' it was under the sea ... that they first created earth life ... certain multicellular protoplasmic masses ... capable of molding their tissues into all sorts of temporary organs ... these viscous masses were without doubt what abdul alhazred whispered about as the "shoggoths" in his frightful necronomicon ... they were normally shapeless entities composed of a vicous jelly which looked like an aggultination of bubbles, and each averaged about fifteen feet in diameter when a sphere ...

'' they seem to have become peculiarly intractable toward the middle of the permian age ... when a veritable war of resubjugation was waged upon them ... and in the end had achieved a complete victory ... though durihg the rebellion the shoggoths had shown an ability to live out of water this transition was not encouraged ... but the shoggoths of the sea, reproducing by fission and aquiring a dangerous degree of accidental intelligence, presented a formidible problem. ''

h.p.lovecraft, at the mountains of madness.

i: shoggoth fetish art via notcothulhu.
ii: shoggoth experiments at notcothulhu.
iii: shoggoth war maneuvers at artcom.de, via notcothulhu.

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