Saturday, October 9, 2010

who or what was my great-great-great-grandfather

'' one shall bee in years to come that shal looke backe and use what saltes or stuff for saltes you shal leave him. job xiv,xiv ...

'' this matter of the portrait interested him, particularly, since he would have given much to know just what joseph curwen looked like ... in three days he returned with an artist of long experiance, mr. walter dwight, ... and that accomplished restorer of paintings set to work at once ... as day by day the work of restoration progressed charles ward looked on with growing interest at the lines and shades gradually unveiled after their long oblivion, ...

'' the subject was a spare, well shaped man ... a thin, calm undistinguished face which seemed somehow familiar; ... and to confront the bewildered charles dexter ward, dweller in the past, with his own living features in the countenance of his horrible great-great-great-grandfather... ... ...

'' somehow this small glimpse gave a new and vague terror to the features of joseph curwen which stared blandly down from the overmantel ... he stopped before leaving to study the picture closely, marvelling at its resembalance ... cosmo alexander, he decided was a painter worthy of the scotland that produced raeburn, and a teacher worthy of his illustious pupil gilbert stuart. ''

h.p.lovecraft, the case of charles dexter ward.

''job 14,14-if a man die, shall he live again? all the days of my appointed time will i wait , till my change come,''

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